Tom Ficklin Show on WNHH 103.5 FM
play2PREVENT Team Interviewed on the Tom Ficklin Radio Talk Show
play2PREVENT Lab team members, Lynn Fiellin, Kimberly Hieftje, and Tyra Pendergrass discuss their work and the future of the Yale Center for Health & Learning Games on the Tom Ficklin Radio Show (WNHH).
Yale Scientific
A New Way to Play: The Yale play2PREVENT Lab
Lynn Fiellin works through the play2PREVENT Lab to develop videogames aimed to prevent health problems such as smoking and HIV.
Women's Health Research at Yale Council Meeting
One Night Stan: A Social Card Game for HIV/STI Prevention Intervention in Young Black Women
"One Night Stan: A Social Card Game for HIV/STI Prevention Intervention in Young Black Women", Women's Health Research at Yale Council Meeting on June 6, 2016 in New Haven, CT.
Yale Center for Clinical Investigations Monthly Meeting
Let’s Play!: Videogames, Health and Community Partnerships
"Let's Play!: Videogames, Health and Community Partnerships" oral presentation for the Yale Center for Clinical Investigations monthly meeting on May 12, 2017, in New Haven, CT.
Society for Adolescent Health & Medicine (SAHM) Annual Meeting
If We Build It, Will They Come? A Qualitative Study of Key Stakeholder Opinions on the Implementation of a Videogame Intervention for Risk Reduction in Adolescents
"If We Build It, Will They Come? A Qualitative Study of Key Stakeholder Opinions on the Implementation of a Videogame Intervention for Risk Reduction in Adolescents", Society for Adolescent Health & Medicine (SAHM) Annual Meeting on March 11, 2016, in Washington, DC.
ASU GSV Summit
Mind Over Matter: The Rise of the Sciences – Neuro, Cognitive and Others – In Learning and What It Means for the Future of Education
"Mind Over Matter: The Rise of the Sciences – Neuro, Cognitive and Others – In Learning and What It Means for the Future of Education", ASU GSV Summit on April 18, 2016 in San Diego, CA.
Technology Demonstration at the 67th Annual SOPHE Meeting
PlayForward: Elm City Stories: An Evidence-Based Videogame for Reducing Sexual Behaviors in Young Adolescents
"PlayForward: Elm City Stories: An Evidence-Based Videogame for Reducing Sexual Behaviors in Young Adolescents", Technology Demonstration at the 67th Annual SOPHE Meeting on April 1, 2016, in Charlotte, NC.
Pediatric Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Bridgeport Hospital
Videogames, Here for Good: Development and Evaluation of a Videogame Intervention for Risk Reduction and HIV Prevention
"Videogames, Here for Good: Development and Evaluation of a Videogame Intervention for Risk Reduction and HIV Prevention", Pediatric Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Bridgeport Hospital on March 20, 2016, Bridgeport, CT.
Public Health Symposium: How Technology is Advancing Public Health
Health Promotion and Behavior Change Through the Use of Electronic Media
"Health Promotion and Behavior Change Through the Use of Electronic Media", Public Health Symposium: How Technology is Advancing Public Health, on April 5, 2016, at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Yale Medicine
Better health through video games
Yale launches the Yale Center for Health & Learning Games under the leadership of Dr. Lynn Fiellin.