New Haven Biz
Yale video game will aim to prevent HIV, other STDs
"This month, Yale announced that the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development had awarded $460,000 to Yale research scientist Kimberly Hieftje toward the project. The money will support her research on “A Digital Intervention for HIV Prevention in Black Adolescent Girls.”
Yale News
Kimberly Hieftje awarded NIH grant for HIV prevention videogame
Dr. Kimberly Hieftje of Yale School of Medicine has been awarded $460,000 by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to support her research on “A Digital Intervention for HIV Prevention in Black Adolescent Girls.”
2019 Serious Play Conference
Videogames to Help Emotionally Traumatized Youth
"Videogames to Help Emotionally Traumatized Youth," panelist at the Serious Play Conference on July 11, 2019, in Montreal, CAN.
2019 Serious Play Conference
The Development of a School Climate Tool & Game
"The Development of a School Climate Tool & Game," presented at the Serious Play Conference on July 10, 2019, in Montreal, CAN.
IEEE's GEM 2019 Convention at Yale University
Virtual Reality and Health Promotion: a Unique Opportunity to Bring VR to Schools
"Virtual Reality and Health Promotion: a Unique Opportunity to Bring VR to Schools," a keynote presentation by Dr. Kimberly Hieftje at IEEE's GEM 2019 Convention at Yale University on June 21, 2019, in New Haven, CT.
IEEE-GEM Conference at Yale University
The Development of a School Climate Tool & Game
"The Development of a School Climate Tool & Game," presented at IEEE-GEM Conference at Yale University on June 20, 2019, in New Haven, CT.
IEEE's GEM 2019 Convention at Yale University
Impact of a Web-Based Tobacco Product Use Prevention Videogame Intervention on Adolescents
"Impact of a Web-Based Tobacco Product Use Prevention Videogame Intervention on Adolescents," presented at IEEE's GEM 2019 Convention at Yale University on June 20, 2019, in New Haven, CT.
IEEE-GEM Conference at Yale University
The Development of a School Climate Tool & Game
"The Development of a School Climate Tool & Game," presented at IEEE-GEM Conference at Yale University on June 20, 2019, in New Haven, CT.
Community Health Center Inc. School-Based Health Centers End of Year Meeting
Partnering with p2P
"Partnering with p2P," presented at the Community Health Center Inc. School-Based Health Centers End of Year Meeting on June 19, 2019, in New Britain, CT.
Games For Change Festival
Developing a prototype for a school climate tool and game
"Developing a prototype for a school climate tool and game," presented at Games For Change Festival on June 18, 2019 in New York, NY.